Phil Sim

Web, media, PR and… footy

April Fools – literally

OMG, I've now seen once and for all why the blogosphere is evil.

April 1st, 2006 was either the day the blogosphere killed April Fool's Day or it was the day that April Fool's Day killed the blogosphre.  Either way, the carnage wasn't pretty to watch.

Was it me or did every single blog in the universe just take advantage of the fact that now that any one can publish it means that we all have the means and wherewithall to prove just how not funny and unimaginative we are. Ho Ha He. Squash has quit our job and is now working for the opposition. Ha de Ha. I think my sides just split.

Filed under: Blogs

12 Responses

  1. Rob Irwin says:

    Oh come on Phil, you’ve lost your sense of humour 🙂 Don’t tell me you never did it back in your print days? If you were ever within cooee of Zucker, I bet you did 😉

  2. Andy says:

    Couldn’t agree more Phil, there were plenty of lame calls around. I just hope all the bloggers didn’t spend (read: waste) too much time thinking about their posts.

    The thought of a stupid ‘wow-I’ve-just-been-bought-by-Yahoo’ or ‘I-sold-my-company-for-a-hand-job’ post didn’t even cross my mind… and I don’t exactly feel like I missed out on any fun.

  3. Rilux says:

    Hi Phil, long time reader, first time poster.

    I read very few blogs – however what really disappointed me was the fact that most “April Fools” I saw were blatently that (Slashdot, I’m looking at you, you muppets). I think that an April fool should be subtle, well-researched and, well, have the ability to actually fool someone. I saw none of this yesterday. Very, very disappointed.

  4. Liban Hassan says:

    I agree Phil. Your post is the funniest I’ve read this weekend.

  5. Kenneth Hood says:

    Kudos to keeping it real. Not even the great Google could miss telling a bad April Fool’s joke this year.

  6. Rob Irwin says:

    I’m staggered that the world has lost its sense of humour and/or tradition… and no, I didn’t make such a post myself, if you’re thinking I’m being defensive about it.

  7. […] Phil at Squash hits the nail squarely on the head regarding April Fool blog posts: Was it me or did every single blog in the universe just take advantage of the fact that now that any one can publish it means that we all have the means and wherewithall to prove just how not funny and unimaginative we are. […]

  8. Phil Sim says:

    Rob, it’s not being anti April Fool. it’s anti April Fool meets the blogosphere. Can we spell O – V – E – R – K – I – L – L. April Fool’s are funny because their interspersed sparingly between normality. When the April Fool becomes the normality than the points been lost.

  9. Rob Irwin says:

    Yeah, but how does one site know what other sites its readers are going to go to? And how can a sit there and even KNOW, let alone plan, for what other sites might, or might not, do for an April Fools? They can’t… so they do the only logical thing, and just do their own thing. It’s really a storm in a teacup and, you know, just reinforces one thing I HAVE noticed about blogospehere since I started doing this stuff back in ’02… and that’s the tendency for folk to run around like chooks with their hads cut off at the slightest issue, seemingly spurred on when someone else agrees with them. In the fullness of time… even in the fullness of later this week, this whole debate will look lame as.

  10. I agree with Rob. This debate should be a non-issue in a few short days. I could care less that there were so many “bad” April Fool’s jokes. I do like that there were some jokes though, good or bad.

    The blogosphere is largely about O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L anyway.
    At least April 1st there was a reason for it.

  11. […] Part of themediaslut’s adventure in Tech There were too many April’s Fool jokes on blogs that Squash called the bloggers April Fools (literally). But if you want go play a prank on somebody, try put in your victim’s name and viola, your victim is part of a fake search engine results.Only 20,045 search results… come on.. give themediaslut more credit, MSN! slut.. yeah.. she talks too much, most of the time.    […]

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