Phil Sim

Web, media, PR and… footy

Google Blogger Web Comments, oi, oi, oi

One big problem with Blogs is they’re just too bloody hard to find. A new initiative from Google may just be a shot of china white in the arm for the good ol’ Blogosphere.

Google has announced a new Firefox extension called Blogger Web Comments whereby you can press a button and view blog comments about the page your reading. We know it’s our job to cast something of a sceptical eye over these kinds of things but Squash reckons this is a very cool idea.
And anyway it’s gotta be cool, because it’s been developed by an Australian by the name of Glen Murphy. Oi Oi Oi. For those of you who aren’t Australian and were not previously aware that anything Australia is intrinsically cool, well, consider yourself told.
But back to the point, blogs will go mainstream when:
1)      They’re far easy to find
2)      The crap gets filtered and the cream rises to the top
This extension has the potential to help dramatically in the case of 1). It’s a shame that all the current blog search engines are so inadequate at 2) that its potential will likely remain as just that for a little while yet.
Incidently, Squash still uses Explorer. We do that because it’s really cool to be using Firefox right now, and Squash thinks being cool is really uncool and from where we sit uncoolness is right up there in terms of cool. Cool? However, instead of channeling our patriotism into heading down to nulla and turning into an ape, we may have to fire up the old Firefox and try out this extension for size.

Filed under: Blogs, Firefox

9 Responses

  1. Elliot Lee says:

    Actually, you’re being very uncool by not using Firefox. There are many kids like you who use “Internet Explorer” (what an incredibly stupid generic name) because it’s uncool. You’re not among a minority by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, over 80% of web users use Internet Explorer.

    Don’t understand? EIGHTY PER CENT. That’s a vast MAJORITY of people (80% is more than majority). YES, these statistics include Firefox, which, compared to Internet Explorer, is used by very, very few people.

    Think about that for a second. People are stupid and lazy. So get moving, and make a difference. Be cool. Use Firefox 1.5 or higher.

  2. Phil Sim says:

    Yeh, but it’s like going to a Green Day concert and getting up on stage and screaming “Britney Spears is the Bomb”. Now that’s cool. I refuse to conform to the non-conformist conformity. But then again Elliot Lee, if you say it’s cool, then by dang, it must be. I’ll switch immediately. Any tips on what religion I should take up to?

  3. Firefox is soooooooooooooo much nicer than IE it isn’t funny.
    It’s faster. It has extensions instead of bug fixes.
    Crikey … I’m starting to sound like an open source geek and I have no idea if it is cool to be an open source geek or not. I tried a wiki once. Does that me a freak?

  4. dahowlett says:

    Crap floats….so will this do it for me? i’ll certinaly give it a spin – thx for the tip

  5. Phil Sim says:

    Shit, you’re right. Crap does float. And the longer you leave it floating around, the harder it is to flush. I think there’s a whole Web 2.0 essay in the making there. I’m onto it.

  6. Oi Simon, why aren’t you blogging? Come on, if even Phil’s doing it then it can’t be beneath you.

  7. Chris_so says:

    Check this out!

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